Home » MRPiZ Robot

MRPiZ = Raspberry Pi Robot


What is MRPiZ ?

MRPiZ is a small mobile robot build on the Raspberry Pi a low cost computer. MRPiZ is a complete kit to build yours own desktop size mobile robot. It’s very easy to program and customizable.

Available here


You can use ROS with MRPiZ robot :



You can program the MRPiZ easily in Python, Java or C for controlling the robot.


What this robot can do ?

So much !

  1. Moves
  2. Real-time computer vision with OpenCv

  1. Autonomous navigating with obstacle avoid,
  2. Control it with smartphone, tablet, TV remote, or PC,
  3. Telepresence robot
  4. Can control Wifi equipements
  5. Add more sensors : ultrasonics, servomotors, …

MRPiZ with gripper

MRPiZ with Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)


MRPiZ with camera

Videos :