What is MRPi1 ?
MRPi1 is a small mobile robot build on the Raspberry Pi a low cost computer. MRPi1 is a complete kit to build yours own desktop size mobile robot. It’s very easy to program and customizable. MRPI1 includes manys sensors, accelerometer 3 axes, infrared, temperature, light, Wifi and a speaker.
You can program the MRPi1 easily in Python or C for controlling the robot.
What this robot can do ?
So much !
- Moves
- Autonomous navigating with obstacle avoid,
- Control it with smartphone, tablet, TV remote, or PC,
- Telepresence robot
- Play sounds, music and speaks
- Can control Wifi equipements
- Add more sensors : ultrasonics, servomotors, …
Specifications :
Compatibility with Raspberry Pi boards :
- C and Python API
- Operating system: custom Raspbian
- access point configuration,
- text to speech tools,
- lightpd web server,
- API exemples,
Os :
What do I need for programming the robot ?
You need just a computer with wifi. You don’t need cable for programming the robot.
How I charge the robot battery ?
You need just a USB cable.
What are the programming langages can I use ?
Python,C, Java,…
What are the future extensions modules ?
- Charger station,
- Gripper,
- 360° Infrared rangefinders,
Licences :
- Software: MIT Licence
- Hardware : CC-BY-SA