Home » MRPi1


What is MRPi1 ?

MRPi1 is a small mobile robot build on the Raspberry Pi a low cost computer. MRPi1 is a complete kit to build yours own desktop size mobile robot. It’s very easy to program and customizable. MRPI1 includes manys sensors, accelerometer 3 axes, infrared, temperature, light, Wifi  and a speaker.

You can program the MRPi1 easily in Python or C for controlling the robot.




What this robot can do ?

So much !

  1. Moves
  2. Autonomous navigating with obstacle avoid,
  3. Control it with smartphone, tablet, TV remote, or PC,
  4. Telepresence robot
  5. Play sounds, music and speaks
  6. Can control Wifi equipements
  7. Add more sensors : ultrasonics, servomotors, …


Specifications :


Compatibility with Raspberry Pi boards :



  • C and Python API
  • Operating system: custom Raspbian
    • access point configuration,
    • text to speech tools,
    • lightpd web server,
    • API exemples,


Os :


What do I need for programming the robot ?

You need just a computer with wifi. You don’t need cable for programming the robot.


How I charge the robot battery ?

You need just a USB cable.

What are the programming langages can I use  ?

Python,C,  Java,…

What are the future extensions modules ?

  • Charger station,
  • Gripper,
  • 360° Infrared rangefinders,

Licences :