Voici un nouveau tutoriel afin d’installer le module camera V2 de 8 méga pixel sur le robot MRPi1 : installer la camera V2 Pi
Tag: MRPi1
Rencontres Nationales Raspberry Pi à Nevers
Je vous informe que l’entreprise Mace Robotics sera présent le samedi 30 avril à la première rencontre Nationales Raspberry Pi à Nevers.
Information : http://adn.agglo-nevers.net/index.php/rendez-vous/1-premieres-rencontre-nationales-raspberry-pi
MRPi1 speak.
MRPi1 robot can now speak about temperature and his battery level. This information is asked by TV remote control.
MRPi1 robot : Speaker test. from macerobotics on Vimeo.
Autonomous Obstacle Avoiding.
Now, MRPi1 manage obstacle avoidance autonomously. On this video, the robot was programming with python language.
The robot detects obstacle with its four infrared proximity sensors.